School Concert: Different Best Friends
18, 19 Apr

Make friends with the orchestra's widest family! When our trombone trio offers a concert, anything can happen. What is it like to be different, but still together? For middle school (9-12 y).

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Jonathan Johansson 
26 Apr 19.30

Organizer: Frihamnen Event & Luger | Denna vinters experimenterande med andra artisters låtar som del av Så mycket bättre följs nu upp av nya möjligheter att se Jonathan Johansson live.

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Isak Danielson
21 Nov 20.00

Organizer: Live Nation | Isak Danielson's captivating and mature voice reveals an old soul in a young man and a talent that extends far beyond the country's borders. Age limit 13 years.

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LESTER MED GÄSTER - Ståuppochnervänd struntpratshow (Gäst: Joel Lundqvist)
5 Dec 18.30

Organizer: Kreationsbolaget | Göteborgshumor, musik och intervjuer med välkända profiler.

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