Event has already taken place. Emerson String Quartet

Concert length: 2 h incl. intermission Scene: Stenhammarsalen
190-260 SEK Student 95-130 SEK

Event has already taken place

Chamber music by Fanny Hensel Mendelssohn, Dmitri Shostakovich and Antonin Dvořák with the skilful Emerson String Quartet.

When Fanny Hensel Mendelssohn was 13 years old, she played the whole of Bach’s Das wohltemperierte Klavier by heart as a birthday gift to her father. She named her firstborn after her three favourite composers; Ludvig, Sebastian, Felix.

Dmitri Shostakovich’s visit to Leipzig inspired him to compose 24 preludes and fugues to follow on from Bach. The quartet that was written not long after mirrors fragments of this, but above all, the peaks and troughs of Shostakovich’s career. One day celebrated, the next condemned for formalism – a fate which befell him many times. His emotional reaction can be heard in the music.

Dvořák takes on Slavic traditions. The second movement, a dumka, is dreamy music in triple time that has room for both melancholy and happiness. Three string quartets with brilliance and depth, performed by the world-famous Emerson String Quartet.


Mendelssohn Hensel String Quartet in E flat major

Shostakovich String Quartet No 5

Intermission 25 min

Dvorák String Quartet No 10 in E flat major 32 min



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