Stadsbiblioteket Götaplatsen Carmina Burana in live broadcast

Event has already taken place. The powerful choir piece streamed live to the city library from Gothenburg Concert hall! Bonus: introduction to the orchestra's coming season.

Organizer: Stadsbiblioteket & Göteborgs Symfoniker

Event has already taken place

The powerful choir piece Carmina Burana is streamed live to the City library from Gothenburg Concert hall! A way to experience Gothenburg Symphony and Gothenburg Symphony Choir realy close. Bonus: introduction to the orchestra’s coming season and the afternoon concert.

The broadcast is made through the orchestra’s TV channel GSOplay.


14.00 Introduction to Gothenburg Symphony’s coming season and the afternoon concert, with planning director Marco Feklistoff and audience developer Eva Essvik.

15.00 Live broadcast from Gothenburg Concert hall: Carmina Burana with Gothenburg Symphony and Gothenburg Symphony Choir, conductor Santtu-Matias Rouvali

Varmly welcome to Stadsbiblioteket Götaplatsen!

More about Carmina Burana

This grandiose music conquered the world following the original performance in Germany in 1936. Carl Orff realised that he, with Carmina Burana (“songs of Beuern”) had created something exceptional, and stated laconically: “Everything I have written to date can be destroyed. With Carmina Burana, my collected works begin.”

These medieval texts about the trials and joys of life – gambling, love, food and drink – were found in a collection in the monastery of Beuern in Switzerland.

Carl Orff was fascinated by the meaty and passionate folklore poems, and created music that was as suggestive, direct and powerful – music that shakes you up as well as moves your heart. So come on down to the pub, see the lust and love of the infatuated, hear the song of the roasting swan, and take a gamble with Lady Luck!

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