Göteborgs Konserthus Janine Jansen Up Close

Event has already taken place. Chamber concert: Janine Jansen violin, Alexander Gavrylyuk piano

Concert length: 2 h incl. intermission Scene: Stenhammarsalen
190-260 SEK Student 95-130 SEK

Event has already taken place

Our formidable artist in residence season 2018-2019 in the company of a prominent Russian; pianist Alexander Gavrylyuk.

At his latest and first performance with the Gothenburg Symphony, he was celebrated by DN for “enormous skill and throbbing sensitivity.” When two artists of that calibre meet in an atmospheric chamber concert, you can expect sparks – but also poetic interaction of the finest character.

Everything is there: from Brahms’ emotional second violin sonata and Clara Schumann’s Three Romances – loving messages from two lonely souls and friends who never had their happily ever after – to Prokofiev’s second violin sonata in which he ironically presents both jazz rhythms and true andante sentiments, teasing jokes and splendid marches.

You never know with Prokofiev…


R Schumann Violin Sonata No. 1 17 min

C Schumann Drei Romanzen für Violine und Klavier 10 min

Brahms Violin Sonata No. 2 20 min

Intermission 25 min

Prokofjev Violin Sonata No. 2 22 min


Janine Jansen violin

Alexander Gavrylyuk piano

Questions? Contact the ticket office
Read more in the magazine

Nr 1 2018-2019 Artist in Residence 2018-2019: Janine Jansen

Nu kommer den hyllade holländska violinisten Janine Jansen till Göteborg som Artist in Residence hos Göteborgs Symfoniker säsongen 2018-2019.

Vitklädd violinist mot röd bakgrund med fladdrande tyger.

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