Göteborgs Symfoniker
Available until 25 March 2025

Berg: Seven Early Songs

Seven Early Songs were written for solo song and piano and were Alban Berg’s debut as a composer in 1907. Critics noted with satisfaction that the peculiar songs unite old and new tradition, as they “despite their absolute freedom” rest on tonal principles. There are traces of Robert Schumann and Debussy here. The songs are about love, summer days and a particularly popular nightingale. In an orchestral version, Seven Early Songs appeared in 1928. During this concert, conductor Simone Young leads the orchestra with soprano Flurina Stucki by her side.

About Simone Young

Australian Simone Young is well known among orchestras in opera houses and in concert halls around the world. Just as at home in the waters surrounding our most beloved composers as in the waves of contemporary music. Simone Young is chief conductor of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, but also a driven and empathetic pianist who enjoys playing chamber music with musicians in the SSO.

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A Berg Sieben frühe Lieder


Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra

Simone Young conductor

Flurina Stucki sopran