Göteborgs Symfoniker
Available until 1 September 2024

Berlioz Symphonie fantastique

As a composer, Berlioz had a temperament that was boundless and self-disclosing. In this concert we meet his Symphonie fantastique, with smoke rising from opium intoxication, and terror burning in the eyes on the way to the scaffold. With an orchestration that was stupendous and revolutionary at the time, he put the world of music into a spin. The ancient Christian hymn Dies irae, ”the Day of Wrath”, concludes this life story, with church bells that ring out into the endless spaces of the universe during the witches’ sabbath.

The concert (recorded November 23th, 2022) was led by the acclaimed Finnish conductor Santtu-Matias Rouvali, Chief Conductor of the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra.

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Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra

Santtu-Matias Rouvali conductor