Event has already taken place. Watch the season opening concert live at GSOplay 10 sept instead! Purchased tickets will be refunded and subscribers compensated as soon as we know how many concerts in each subscritpion that will be affected.

Concert length: 1 h 30 min no intermission Scene: Stora salen
340-500 SEK Student 170-250 SEK

Event has already taken place

The concert is unfortunately canceled, but you can watch the season opening concert 10 sept live at GSOplay instead. We will get back as soon as we can to ticket buyers with detailed information about for example new concert dates, exchanges and compensation. In general, we refund all tickets for the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra’s own events, individually as well as within subscriptions. 

The following applies to subscriptions: As we do not yet know when we will be allowed to welcome any audience into the Gothenburg Concert Hall, we will await the development during the autumn. Refunds will be made automatically as soon as we know how the autumn season will be affected, but no later than 15 January 2021.

If you have any questions, please contact our ticket office: biljett@gso.se, +46(0)31-7265300. There is a lot of pressure on the ticket office and we hope that you can be tolerant of the fact that it can take an extra long time to get an answer.

More info about the decision to cancel / move events can be found here.

Watch live streamed concerts at GSOplay!

Do not miss the season’s live concerts on GSOplay. There you will also find a lot of other great concerts, interviews and even more.


Mahler Blumine 10 min

Mahler Kindertotenlieder 23 min

Mendelssohn Symphony No. 4 ”The Italian” 29 min


Peter Mattei baryton

Questions? Contact the ticket office
Vitklädd violinist mot röd bakgrund med fladdrande tyger.

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