Göteborgs Konserthus Hossein Alizadeh & Hamavayan Ensemble

Love means reducing human suffering

Concert length: 1 h 10 min no intermission Scene: Stora salen Organizer: United Voice
410-560 SEK

Information from United Voice:


The word “love” is the most beautiful phenomenon, a melody heard by all the people of the world every moment. It is the lifeblood of the greatest works that the artists of the world have created through the centuries, the essence of their love making their creations immortal.

Iran’s great poets like Hafez, Rumi, Saadi, Khayyam, each expressed love through their own eyes and language, maturing and revealing it in its most beautiful form. Classical art and contemporary art alike are bound by this rule, and contemporary poets like Forough, Simin Behbahani, Akhavan, Moshiri, Shamlou, Sayeh—through their immortal poems—conveyed a message that has always been love.

By reading and playing their timeless words, we make love the source of our main inspiration for peace and friendship, both for ourselves and the world. Love means me, love means you, love means reducing human suffering.

In every stroke of a painter’s brush, in the melody of a composer’s symphony, and in the verses of a poet’s lines, love is the enduring muse that inspires and transcends time, connecting the hearts of people across the ages. The immortal essence of love is a testament to its unparalleled power to shape, define, and illuminate the human experience.Their message has always been love

By reading and playing their immortal poems, we have made love the source of our main inspiration for peace and

To bring friendship to ourselves and the world

Love means me, love means you, love means reducing human suffering.

The concert is a part of Global Sounds 2024

Questions? Contact the ticket office
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